Page 8 - SPRING 2023
P. 8


     Do  you  remember  I  came  to  BTRF  in  a               condition  as  you  can  see  from  my

     sorry state nearly a year ago, but thanks                 beautiful mug shots below!
     to  your  donations  to  help  me  and  my                  My favourite pastime is cuddling up with

     amazing care team, they got me back in
                                                               Mr T and we have a favourite chair and
     shape, looking and feeling great!
                                                               bed  we  share  –  I  don’t  take  up  much
     Since  we  sadly  lost  my  BTRF  buddy,                  room  so  I  can  squeeze  into  both  quite
     Shandy,  last  month  at  the  amazing  age               easily and Mr T snuggles up beside me!

     of 16 years, I am now the oldest of the
     foster dogs at 11 years.  Because I’m an

     older  lady,  I  will  stay  in  BTRF’s  care
     forever  which  means  I  get  to  stay  with
     my  fabulous  foster  mum  and  my  BTRF

     house buddy, Mr T.

     OK  so  I  am  now
                                                               So that’s me – I am happy and well and I
     blind,  and  I  am
     told my hearing is                                        very much love my foster mum and am
                                                               so grateful to her for agreeing to foster
     a  little  limited,
     but I make up for                                         for BTRF.

     all  that  with  my                                       Oh and by the way, if you think you have
     very      well-tuned                                      got  what  it  takes  to  become  a  foster

     nose!! I can smell a treat a mile off and                 parent I know BTRF would love to hear
     am  very  determined  to  help  my  foster                from you – they are particularly looking
     mum keep her pockets clean and crumb                      for  homes  without  other  dogs  at  the

     free! For some reason the treat drawer                    moment so why not contact them!
     and  kitchen  waste  bin  had  to  be

     relocated  because  I  could  reach  them!!               Night  night  –  Pippin  (alias  The  Thief)
     I’m  told  I  am  so  sneaky  hunting  out                signing  off  for  the  day!  Off  to  dream

     treats  that  I  have  been  nicknamed  The               about pockets full of treats
     Thief!!!! Ha ha ha – it takes practice and

     I really enjoy practicing!                                Pippin xx

     I  have  a  special  diet,  pills  to  help  my

     joints so they don’t get painful (they are
     a  bit  creaky  now)  and  I  have

     supplements  to  keep  me  in  tip  top
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