Page 8 - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 8
Remember Carys? We did a left alone initially while we
call out for potential foster are helping her to settle into
homes for her just recently her new home.
(with a view to adopt).
The home will continue to
As a reminder, Carys has work with our appointed
been with us for a short behaviourist to oversee her
while now and in that time diet and medical care, and to
the BTRF care team have have the time and patience
worked their magic and done to help her build her
what they do best to care for confidence around meeting
our special dogs. new people.
She came to us at the age of just under Please keep your fingers crossed (and
five years, in a very sorry state – ears paws) that we are successful in finding
that really needed treating for serious her foster home. We’ll keep you
infections, poor skin and gut health (so updated in the e-Newsletter.
often the case with many of the Beddies
that come to us). She is also a very
nervous little girl and our behaviour
team is currently working with her to
help her through this, to gradually build
her trust and her confidence to the
outside world.
She is doing so well now that her care
team feel she is ready to go to the next
stage of her rehabilitation in a more Can I give my dog raw pumpkin?
permanent foster home. While dogs can eat raw
pumpkin, it might be harder to digest
We are hopeful that we have found a and can become a choking hazard.
home that is suitable for Carys - a no dog
The rind is also a choking hazard and
home, no young children and no small may cause an intestinal blockage. You
furries or cats. The potential home is can feed cooked or canned pumpkin
quiet and settled with not too much to your dog—if it's 100% pumpkin
coming and going and she will not be with no added ingredients.