Page 14 - Autumn 2022 Newsletter
P. 14


       Hey everyone - remember me?????  I’m  liked  me  and  I  liked  them  and
       Eddy who came to BTRF earlier this year  Aunties Kaye and Lisa have said they like
       thanks to help from the amazing team at  them  too!  So  on  the  17th  September

       the  Bedlington  Terrier  Midlands  Group.   I will be on my way.  All the preparation is
       I was in a pound and they got me safely  being  put  in  place  now  so  that  when  I
       into  BTRF's  care  in  the  specialist  move in everything is just right.
       rehabilitation  facility  that  they  use  for

       'special' dogs like me! I was then under                Once I have moved in and I have my own
       the care of Aunty Lisa who looks after all              sofa,  I  understand  that  BTRF  will  be
       the BTRF Beddies that need that little bit              arranging  a  'fizzioferapy'  assessment  for
       of extra help.                                          me  (that will be 'physiotherapy' Eddy!).
                                                               This  will  really  help  my  leg  feel  even
       I was in a real sorry state when I arrived.   better and to see exactly why it has been
       Oh boy, my ears, eyes and skin were in a  giving me jip!
       real mess and I had a very sore leg. But it
       wasn't      long      before                            So  that's  my  exciting  news.    Watch  this
       BTRF  and  Aunty  Lisa                                  space  for  updates  once  I’m  in  my  new

       started  to  work  their                                home.

       magic and I was feeling                                 I want to sign off by saying a huge thank
       so much better. I had a                                 you to our supporters for your donations
       new  diet  too  and  with                               which  have  enabled  me  to  stay  in  the

       all the help I had from                                 special  facility.  Because  it's  so  good,  it's
       my  lovely  vet  and  the                               quite costly and I know that Aunty Kaye
       donations  from  our                                    and  Frances  have  had  lots  of  sleepless
       amazing         supporters,                             nights  just  recently  worrying  about
       I am  where  I  am  now  -  an  irresistibly            funds.  Everyone  is  feeling  the  pinch  at
       handsome Beddie! As you can see from                    the  moment  including  BTRF  because  of

       the photos!                                             the 10 foster dogs like me in their care all
                                                               needing  medical  and  /  or  behavioural
       Well  enough  of  that  stuff,  now  to  the
       really exciting stuff! I have been ready to             help.

       go into a foster home for some time now                 So  thank  you  for
       but  Aunty  Lisa  and  Aunty  Kaye  and  the
       BTRF  coordinators  have  really  struggled             your         continued
       to  find  exactly  the  right  home  for  me.           support everyone.
       I can't  understand  why  because  I  am  so

       irresistible!!                                           I’m on my way!

       But ........... they found me a foster home
       and I am so excited!  I got to meet and                 Eddy xxxx

       interview  them  last  weekend  and  they
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