Page 13 - Autumn 2022 Newsletter
P. 13


    Well  hello  peeps.  It's                               Then  take  Monday  -  from  the  sublime  to
    old boy "Shandy" here.                                  the ridiculous. I comes out of my house and
                                                            there on the other side of the road is this
    Well  what  a  very  sad                                tiny little thing just sitting there looking at
    week  it’s  been  but  I                                me.  Of  course  Mum  and  Dad  are  going
    look on the bright side.                                "ooh,  aah,  ooh,  aah  isn't  it  gorgeous".  So
    It  has  brought  our                                   over  comes  this  really  big  bloke  with  this
    nation together when times are difficult for            tiny little dog who turns out to be a three
    all  and  like  mum  says,  one  thing  we  Brits       month  old  French  Bulldog.  Of  course
    are  really  good  at  is  pomp  and                    I wasn't going to admit it but she was very
    circumstance! I don't know what she means               cute. Anyway she sniffed me, I sniffed her
    by that  but sitting watching the news and              and we got the measure of each other. So
    seeing lots of people dressed up and all the            that's yet another new friend I‘ve made.
    processions  etc,  however  sombre,  makes
    me  feel  proud.  My  thoughts  are  with  the  Exciting news is that I'm off to the seaside
    Royal Corgis. They have lost their mum so I  in the next couple of weeks. In one of the
    truly hope  someone is giving them lots of  last Bedlington Terrier Foundation auctions,
    hugs. Still they will meet her again on the  mum bid for a week's holiday in a caravan
    Rainbow  Bridge  one  day  so  that  is  some  in  Northumberland  donated  by  Benji  and

    comfort for them.                                       Taffy's mum and dad. So "we're all going on
                                                                                  a  summer  holiday”  -  ok
    What have I been up to? Well as I'm                                           bit  more  like  autumn
    getting  on  a  bit  now  -  16  -  I  take                                   holiday and I will be able
    things easy these days. I spend a lot                                         to  park  my  rear  end  on
    of  time  with  my  head  down  and                                           the     hallowed       ground
    dreaming of my younger days - well                                            where  Benji  and  Taffy
    who  doesn't!  I’m  getting  more                                             have  also  parked  theirs!
    chilled  when  I’m  out  walking  now.  Dogs            If you’ve  never  seen  the  BTRF  auction,
    rarely seem to bother me these days and I               bidding  starts  on  the  current  one  on  17
    enjoy a good sniff as much as the next dog.             September  so  get  yourself  along  to  the

    Take  Sunday.  Out  walking  and  we  came              Facebook page - lots of bargains to be had.
    across  this  1  year  old  Labrador.  You  know
    Labradors - they are all over the place. He             Well  that's  me  for  now.  My  next  update  I
    was jumping here and there, legs akimbo,                suspect will be glorious tales of my holiday
    you name it. But was I bovvered?? Not in                "up north". Can't wait. Take care all
    the  least.  I  was  lucky  though  because  he
    jumped  up  at  Mum  and  landed  a  great              Love Shandy xxx
    slobbery  kiss  on  her  mouth  -  yuk!!  Still
    Mum loves dogs so she just brushed it off
    but I noticed she spent a lot of time in the                     BTRF Auction Page |
    bathroom  when  we  got  back  washing  her                               Facebook

    mouth out :)

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