Page 30 - Winter 2023 Newsletter
P. 30

PRODUCTS                                                Originally  set  up
                                                                                  in  1981,  Danish
                            Dr John                                               Design have been
                             Gilpa           FUNNYFUZZY   is   a   pet            creating  fantastic
                          Arkwrights         lifestyle brand that provides        pet products for over 40 years Our
                                             a variety of products for you        focus  on  sustainability  means  that
                                             and  your  pet.  We  have  not       we  currently  recycle  over  90%  of
                                             only the essentials but also a       our  waste,  and  we  are  constantly
       Delivering  Quality  &  Value  for  150   lot of fun products, to bring    searching   for   innovative   new
       years Gilbertson & Page Ltd, a family   comfort  and  joy  to  your        materials  that  create  fantastic
       company     based     in    rural     home  staying  &  travel.
                                                                                  products for your furry companion.
       Hertfordshire, staffed by a dedicated   Happiness  is  what  we  all       We use a variety of fabulous fillings
       professional   team,   has   been     seek, and it is what we have         inside our products, many of which
       manufacturing dog food since 1873.    been  creating  and  will            contain  recycled  content.  Look  out
       They  have  established  a  reputation   continue in the future.           for  the  symbols  below  on  our
       for producing quality dog foods that          Customer Support             product pages to guide you.
       consistently offer tremendous value
       to dog owners.
                                               Business Day 10:00am-5:00pm

                                    SITYU ANIMAL


       At  Sityu  Ltd  we're  proud  to  hand-craft  bespoke
       animal-themed  benches,  planters  and  other
                                                                                            Get In Touch!
       wonderful silhouette themed décor, and in doing
       so  are  also  delighted  to  be  able  to  raise  much
                                                                                         Follow us on Facebook
       needed  funds  for  great  charities,  including                                 Follow us on Instagram
       Bedlington Terrier Rescue.

       If  you  would  like  to  help  us  support  BTRF  by
       donating  10%  of  your  purchase,  then  please
       purchase from the BTRF Collection.

           17 Cwmdu, Llanidloes SY18 6DL
                                                                                          SUPPORTS BTRF
          Call Us Now On 01686 238 010

                           TRIXIE accompanies you and your pet from birth into old age, at home      Sales
                           and on tour, for games and sports, and in every season with suitable
                           products.    At  TRIXIE  we  feel  a  high  responsibility  as  far  as   0207 1542940

                           sustainability  and  social  commitment  are  concerned.    We  are
                           continually  changing  and  adapting  our  processes  to  optimise  and
                           intensify them.

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