Copper Toxicosis is a potentially fatal condition among a small number of dog breeds, including the Bedlington Terrier.
The condition relates to an accumulation of copper in the liver which can cause liver disease and often leads to the animal's death at a young age.
Dogs can be tested and scored as 1:1 - Normal, 1:2 - a carrier though unaffected and 2:2 - an affected dog. Appropriate breeding ensures as far as possible that Normal bitches mated with Normal dogs have a low probability of producing higher scored CT puppies and this is a strategy adopted by responsible and reputable breeders to remove or reduce the incidence of the condition in the line. Any dogs scored higher than 1 on either side will have a higher probability of producing CT affected puppies and therefore should never be used as breeding stock.
Owners should always have their dog tested, even if they are not going to be used for breeding. If the disease is detected early then there is a good chance of controlling it with medication and the correct diet.
Anyone looking for a puppy should ensure that the parents have been DNA tested and lines are 1:1 Normal. Never buy a puppy through websites such as Gumtree or Pets4homes. ALWAYS ask to see evidence of clear DNA Certificates before committing:
It is highly recommended that you go through one of the Bedlington Terrier Puppy Registers - these are registers that list reputable breeders who will ensure their lines are CT clear.
Midland Bedlington Terrier Club -
Bedlington Terrier North East Club - Cheryl White 07979875193
Bedlington Terrier Association - Claudia 07940 539282
BTRF always recommend that new owners have their adopted dogs tested for peace of mind. Tests are relatively cheap (around £48) and can be obtained from Animal DNA Diagnostics Ltd.
Our Rescue Dog Welcome Packs, which go out to our new owners now have information about Copper Toxicosis and where to obtain Test Kits, and BTRF will always offer support where needed.
An interesting and informative PDF can be downloaded here - Copper Toxicosis
Breed Club who can help and advise:
Midland Bedlington Terrier Club
The best way to contact us at BTRF is via email:
BTRF have Rehoming Officers around the country.
Please be aware that many of the coordinators that volunteer for BTRF also have full time jobs but they will make contact with you as soon as possible
Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation and a registered charity with Registered Charity Number 1176408 whose registered address is at Glyn Coch, Alltwalis, Carmarthen SA32 7EA
© 2018 Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation is a charitable incorporated organisation and a registered charity with Registered Charity Number 1176408 whose registered address is at Glyn Coch, Alltwalis, Carmarthen SA32 7EA | Site by AIM Ltd | Login